La raison d’être

As I am typing these words, I’m letting go or rather overcoming one of my biggest fears: the fear of self-expression.

I have been an introvert ever since my childhood. The mere idea of expressing myself, especially in front of a large audience, makes me jump out of my skin. What if I slip up? What if people don’t agree to what I say? What if people judge me? What if people don’t like me? These questions have always daunted me; and pulled me from expressing myself freely. And this was why starting my own blog always seemed a far-fetched dream.

This brings me to “ma raison d’être” (ma-rehzon-DETre) (literally, my reason of being). Honestly, the credit to expressing myself on a platform such as a blog, goes to my friends. It is true that I have always dreamt of doing it, but it is them who gave me the courage to turn this dream into a reality.

“A friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails.” -Donna Roberts 

Friends indeed play an indispensable role in our lives. They are our support system, our cheering squad, our chosen family. They urge us to be a better version of ourselves and motivate us to aspire for the impossible. But most importantly, they make us believe in ourselves, when we ourselves don’t.

Therefore, as I commence this journey, I would like to thank each and every friend of mine who motivated me, had faith in me and inspired me to achieve my goals. Thank you for making me believe in myself and for pushing me to go beyond the limits. I would also like to encourage you, my readers, to express your gratitude towards your friends. Tell them that they matter, tell them how they make your little world a little better each day. After all, you, your personality and your life, without them, wouldn’t be the same.

Now, coming back to my blog; Writing, in general, is something very new to me, let alone being a blogger. I’m like a chrysalis inside a cocoon, wanting to become a butterfly. So, bear with me as I share my experiences and my thoughts on things that matter to me. Also, feel free to comment or write to me on whichever platform you like (Facebook, Instagram, Gmail, Twitter). Let’s make this an exchange. Let’s begin this journey of self-expression.

Khushi Goyal

17 thoughts on “La raison d’être”

  1. Sometimes the stranger lies inside you. Its not uncommon that you are aware of entire planet but are unable to hear your own inner subconscious.

    The ability to hear your innerself makes you special. All the best baccha.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Fantastic. I hope that this chrysalis (you) becomes one of the most magnificent of butterflies in God’s kingdom. I agree fully with Donna Roberts and hope that you become ‘that’ friend to plenty of people when they are in need. God bless you and all your endeavours.

    Liked by 1 person

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